Group Study
and Mentoring

with Caroline Westling and Sara Granström Powiecki

Continuing Education in Yoga and Philosophy

Together we will create a place for growth and self-study. A place where we can look at ourselves and the world with the support from others. A place where we ask the deeper questions about life, purpose, virtue, meaning and existence.

Using different schools of philosophy and yogic practices such as asana, pranayama and meditation, we will also deepen the experience of being a yoga teacher (and/or practitioner) through sequencing, finding your own voice and discovering what lights a spark in you to share yoga.

The  Foundation for our Program

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Studying philosophy helps you think clearly, carefully, and logically, and develop the ability to integrate and assess new and unfamiliar ideas and information. It also encourages you to seek new and better answers to old problems.

Yoga is a means of inquiry into the reality and existence of life, meaning and purpose. Yoga practices support you to become clear in order to remove the conditioning of your mind and to see clearly beyond it. It is an ancient method and a tool, many times through the physical body, aiming to have a psychological effect. The practices bring you toward your inner reality. When you are still, you remove the veil of ignorance. Then you can question what you see, experience and feel in the world. And with the help of philosophy, we learn how to live that reality in the external world.

Why Group study and Mentoring?

The combination of individual study, reflection and group sharing is one the most effective ways to learn and grow. It is inspiring and fosters continuing practice, study and reflection.

We have created this Group Study and Mentoring Program for you to explore within a community context your core values and gain a greater understanding of yourself as a human being and develop as the unique yoga practitioner/teacher that you are.

You’ll be encouraged to ask questions, explore new ideas and concepts, examine your existing knowledge and experiences through different lenses, and reflect individually and with your peers in order to deepen your knowledge.

These inquiries will include questions like “What is my purpose?” “What are my core values, and what do I want to fill my life with?” “How do I live a good life, and what do I need to find balance and inner peace?” “What is knowledge, and who has wisdom?” “What makes a good teacher?”

We will provide tools from yoga and philosophy to enhance your explorations, practice and teaching. They are designed to support you in the discovery of your strengths, and to “work” on what challenges you. They’ll also help you learn more about your unique qualities as an individual, yoga practitioner and/or teacher.

Our ultimate goals for this Group Study and Mentoring Program are to offer you different ways to examine the world so you can find your own individual understanding, and to provide a community forum where you can discuss your thoughts and reflect with others.

Meet your Instructors

Caroline Westling

Caroline Westling

With 20 years of experience teaching yoga, philosophy, and meditation, Caroline Westling is a well-recognized and beloved teacher. She has taught and trained future yoga teachers in many countries. In her home country of Sweden, Caroline has served as a specialized guest teacher in various teacher trainings, given public lectures and taught yoga in schools, prisons and senior centers. 

“To practice and share yoga is a great privilege which I truly honor and respect.”

Sara Granström Powiecki
Sara Granström Powiecki
Sara’s deep and compassionate understanding of asana comes from many years of practicing ashtanga vinyasa yoga and traditional hatha yoga. She is a longterm student of classical pranayama which has developed her understanding of the importance of a balanced breath in both yoga practice and in life. In her classes she highlights the deep meaning of the inner attitude in practice, often using chanting, meditation and gratitude.

“Working towards yoga, wether it happens in a movement or in complete silence and stillness, becomes about getting to know myself, in all its shapes and forms.”

Course Structure

To optimize your learning and growth, this course includes pre-recorded lessons, online live meetings and Q&A, private online sessions, and a live weekend. The course is divided into modules with different themes. Each module has a set of pre-recorded lessons to prepare you for our online live meetings. Online meetings will last 2 hours. If you are unable to attend the live meeting you will receive the recording after hand.

There are no requirements for this course. You put as little or as much time as you want into it. We will keep the lectures clear and concise, so you get the most out of them. One topic can therefore have several shorter lessons. If you have the opportunity to do the suggested assignments you will get more benefit, but even if you don´t do them, you will get a lot out of the course. Assignments include, for example, one 30-minute private online meeting with Caroline and one 30-minute private online meeting with Sara, two teaching scripts reviewed by Caroline, two sequences reviewed by Caroline, and one 20-minute teaching video that Caroline will also review.


Preliminary Live Meeting: Introduction to the Course – January 19, 2025

Module 1: Different philosophical views

(First module will be released on January 20th)

The first module sets the foundation for the rest of the course. Here we will focus on what values you want your life to be guided by, as a human. If you are a teacher, you will also focus on what values you want your teaching to be guided by. We will look at different philosophers’ views of a “good life”, what knowledge is, and who has wisdom. We will also explore different philosophical views of what it means to be good and what makes a good teacher.

Live meeting 2 – February 15, 2025

(our first set of pre-recorded lessons releases one month prior to our first live meeting. The next set of lessons is released a week after each live meeting. If you are unable to attend the live meeting you will receive the recording after hand.)

Module 2: Yoga

During this module, we focus more on the yogic path—our personal practice, asana, alignment and pranayama. We’ll discuss the question, “What is yoga?” This module contains lectures and videos about pranayama both practical and theoretical, asana and the understanding of asana and yoga. We will also be training your eye to see what happens in the body in different asanas.

Live meeting 3 – March 23, 2025

Module 3: Yoga (continued)

We will keep focusing on the physical aspect of yoga and look at yoga for different needs such as injuries and beginners. We will deepen our understanding of how to sequence a class and a course. Prior to this module’s seminar, you have the opportunity to receive feedback on a sequence you have created. It is voluntary but a great way to become better at understanding how to sequence well.

Live meeting 4 – May 24, 2025

Module 4: Teaching Yoga

This module is all about teaching. We will look at how to become more skillful as a teacher and in our asana teaching. You also have the opportunity to receive feedback on a teaching script (will be explained). This is a voluntary assignment but very helpful. In fact, I believe it is one of the best ways to become a clearer, more skillful yoga teacher.

Live meeting 5 – June 15, 2025

Module 5: Reflection

During this module, we will summarize what we have learned, and see if we can dig deeper into what we have previously discussed. Our focus will be on meditation, pranayama and compassion. Maybe there is a particular topic you want to go deeper into. During this period, you can book your one-on-one session with Caroline and Sara (also voluntary).

Live meeting 6 – August 17, 2025

Module 6: Yogic Philosophy

Here we go deeper into yogic philosophies such as The Bhagavad Gita and Katha Upanishad. We will discuss Yoga and Religion; how do we define the concept of religion and how does it differ from other views on life? Is yoga a form of religious practice? How should we view the philosophical heritage of the yoga tradition?

You will be given a suggested practice for the period before we meet.

Live meeting 7 – September 21, 2025

Module 7: Applying everything we have discussed to our lives

The last module and will focus on bringing together everything we learned. We will reflect upon questions we have asked ourselves throughout this course and see if things are more clear, or if maybe you are in a state of confusion. We’ll focus on how and where we go from here, and what we want our lives to be filled with. What guides us as humans and teachers? If you want to receive feedback on your teaching this is the period, you send in a video of your teaching.

Live meeting 8 – October 26, 2025

Weekend Retreat


Caroline is an outstanding experienced yoga teacher. She teaches to practice yoga in a structured and neat way, step by step: what to do, in what order and why. She transmits the passion of being pedagogical. She prepares herself very well, she observes the students carefully and she is constantly reflecting upon her own work. She’s got an exceptionally quick understanding of the poses taken by students, especially concerning the energetic distribution in the bodies. Her yoga sequences are inventive and clever. At the core of her transmission resides the safety of the practice and the alignment with respect to each student’s possibilities. Humbly and generously, she shares her deep and broad knowledge, both regarding the physical practice and the spiritual and philosophical practice. She inspires her students to deepen their yoga practice in all directions. Her teaching reaches way beyond the yoga mat. 


Caroline is one of my absolute favourite teachers. She has a great ability to set my body up for specific asanas. With props and fantastic guiding, she makes advanced positions more available. It’s like she is communicating with my body instead of me and my head. In addition to her great understanding of energy in poses, she is so well rooted in the
tradition and philosophy of yoga that I can really rest in her space and feel safe.


I met Caroline through my teacher training at Yogayama. She is an inspiration and an amazing teacher. Caroline has taught me a lot, both about teaching myself, but also about my own path and yoga practice. Her knowledge and passion for sharing the yoga path is inspiring. She shares her knowledge generously.


I love Caroline’s yoga teachings. She has very well-structured classes with beautiful sequences. I like in particular her restorative classes and her foundation classes with props. Her classes are clear, with easy to follow instructions. She emphasizes a safe practice with precise alignment and a beautiful connection to the breath. Caroline teaches from the heart with a deep understanding from her own experience, always with compassion and some humor.


Caroline has an ability to make a person feel seen even in a large group. She is clear in her instructions and assistance. There is also a sense of security to be able to practice with Caroline, who places great importance on doing poses safely and leaves nothing to chance!

Ellinor L.

When I started practicing with Caroline things started to fall into place. She helps me by truly seeing me and my struggles. She does not give you shortcuts and the answers—she makes you find them yourself. She is there to support you on your way without hesitation, and with patience because Caroline knows it´s my practice and my pace that will put me on my path. She helps you find the tools to find your own strengths, both in your asana practice and also in your philosophy practice.

Anika FB

Caroline is a very enthusiastic and well-prepared instructor. You have no doubt about her passion for yoga – it’s her life. She is a technically skilled instructor, she’s has “an eye on each finger” – in her class you feel that you are seen. Her gift is that she has the ability to always make you feel safe and well taken care of.


Their message is clear, solid and truthful. The Asana practice is safe, they know bodies by just looking at them and they help you to go further from where you are today.


Course Information

How to take this course successfully

The best way for you to take this course successfully is to listen to your own needs. There might be periods when you can put more energy into it and periods when you can do less, and it is all good enough. In this course, we are students and participants, which  means that you decide what topics you want to dig deeper into.

We have created what we believe is a solid base with different topics to support you as individual human beings, as well teachers. You get to create your own understanding of what makes sense to you and what you want to incorporate into your life and your teachings. It is very important that we have an open discussion regarding the course content and the different topics of interest throughout the course. I encourage you to provide feedback if you feel you are lacking something or if something is not clear. This course is for you and might be adjusted according to the group’s needs.

In between seminars, we will have a closed Facebook group where we can discuss things together and share our experiences.

Payment options:

Availability: Limited

A place in our study group is secured when the tuition is paid.

Option 1


(500 EUR registration fee +
1600 EUR course fee)

Including weekend retreat

Option 2


(500 EUR registration fee +
1400 EUR course fee)

Excluding weekend retreat


What is the structure of the course?

The course includes pre-recorded lessons, online live meetings and Q&A, private online sessions, and a live weekend retreat option. It is divided into modules with different themes.

Who is this course suitable for?

This course is designed for both yoga teachers and practitioners who wish to deepen their knowledge in yoga and philosophy, enhance their teaching skills, and explore personal growth.

How flexible is the course schedule?

The course is highly flexible. You can watch pre-recorded lessons at your own pace, and if you miss a live meeting, you can view the recording afterward. You decide how much time to invest based on your schedule.

Are there any prerequisites for joining the course?

There are no specific prerequisites for this course. It is open to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of yoga and philosophy.

What kind of support will I receive throughout the course?

You will receive support through live meetings, a closed Facebook group for discussions, and one-on-one sessions with instructors Caroline and Sara.

What topics will be covered in the modules?

The modules cover various themes including different philosophical views, the yogic path, teaching yoga, personal reflection, and yogic philosophy. Each module includes lectures, discussions, and practical assignments.

How can I make the most out of this course?

Engage with the pre-recorded lessons, participate in live meetings, complete suggested assignments, and actively use the Facebook group for discussions and sharing experiences.

Is there an option for in-person learning?

Yes, the course includes an optional live weekend retreat at Caroline’s home retreat by Lake Hjorten. You can choose any weekend retreat between Autumn 2024 and Autumn 2025.

How do the one-on-one sessions work?

You will have the opportunity for private online meetings with Caroline and Sara, where you can receive personalized feedback and guidance on your practice and teaching.

How will this course help me as a yoga teacher?

The course will help you refine your teaching skills, develop effective sequencing, understand the needs of your students, and integrate philosophical insights into your teaching practice.

What is the duration of the course?

The course runs from January 2025 to Octobet 2025, with modules and live meetings spread throughout this period.

How can I access the course materials?

Course materials, including pre-recorded lessons and assignments, will be accessible through the online learning platform. Live meeting recordings will also be available there.

What kind of assignments will be given?

Assignments include creating teaching scripts and sequences, recording teaching videos for feedback (optional), and engaging in personal reflection exercises.

Can I interact with other students

Yes, you can interact with other students through live meetings, the closed Facebook group, and during the optional weekend retreat.

How is the feedback process structured?

You will receive personalized feedback on your assignments and during one-on-one sessions with Caroline and Sara. This feedback aims to help you improve your practice and teaching.

How do I register for the course?

Registration details will be available on the course website. You can sign up through an online registration form and pay the course fee to secure your spot.

Is there a certification upon completion?

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate acknowledging their participation and learning achievements.

What technology do I need to participate?

You will need a computer or tablet with internet access, a webcam for live meetings, and a platform to view pre-recorded lessons. Familiarity with online learning tools is helpful.


If you have any questions or want to give feedback, please send your email directly to